Archive for February, 2012

You Wanna Hear A Funny Story?

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a deathly fear of spiders. It’s not just your typical girly-girl reaction which usually consists of screaming and flapping of the arms, nope, I have full-fledged panic attacks at the mere sight of the eight-legged monsters. My palms get sweaty, my heart races and by NO means will I go within 10 feet of the things. If one happens to catch me off guard I will most likely scream like a 3 year old little girl and there has been a tear or two shed before. I don’t like them. They don’t like me. I’ve also been known to call someone to kill a spider if I spy a massive one in my house and I am home alone…Yeah, it’s really that bad…

This brings me to my latest adventure in spider phobia. I am currently helping a friend redo a house that she bought. I am there by myself most of the day spackling, sanding, washing and taping woodwork. The other day I was going about my business with the radio turned up and I was doing my best to sound like Adele when out of the corner of my eye I spotted one of those eight-legged creepies. It was on a baseboard next to the fireplace and it was staring at me. That’s right, you read that right, it was STARING at me. Immediately I froze and the heart started racing and my palms were sweaty. We had a 15 minute staring contest. The whole time I kept thinking to myself ‘Jen, this is ridiculous. You are wearing tennis shoes, just step on the dang thing. It’s not gonna get you. Just do it.” Finally I mustered up enough courage and inched my way towards the thing. Taking deep breaths I lifted my foot and swiftly lowered it onto the baseboard. Immediately I jumped backwards with a little yelp only to discover that the monstrous spider was nothing but a ball of fuzz. That’s right. I got into a 15 minute staring match and all worked up over a ball of fuzz.. Only me….

Did you miss me?

Well here goes nothin, folks! I haven’t written anything in quite some time and usually I stick to poetry, but a new year brings new thoughts and I feel the need to share. Lucky you. 🙂 Feel free to look back at the few posts that I did a year ago…comments are always welcome!

So what does one write about in her very first ‘blog-like’ entry? I figured I’d just wing it and give you a short glimpse into my mind, which in fair warning, can be a crazy place. If you have met me, you know that I am a seriously goofy individual that doesn’t really care what others think of her. So what if I break out in random song or show off my latest not-so-awesome dance moves in public? The way I look at it is that life is way too short to be so serious all the time. If I wanna sing, I’m gonna sing. If I wanna dance, I’m gonna dance. Why? Because it’s what makes me happy. And if I look like a total dork, great! Maybe I made someone else’s day. Everyone needs to laugh once in a while and if they happen to see my awesome white girl two step, chances are they are gonna bust a gut. 🙂 Don’t judge me and I won’t judge you.

Life is full of ups and downs and this blog is going to be my journey through it all. Some entry’s might funny while others are more serious. Perhaps I might dabble again in poetry. Lord knows I have enough of my older stuff stashed away in a spiral-bound journal somewhere and maybe I’ll share those too. I don’t promise to be enlightening or to have perfect grammar all the time. Life is messy. My thoughts are messy. This blog will more than likely get messy too. Hang in there with me, I’m sure you will find something to laugh about. 🙂